Back to required readings:
On Dutch Book Arguments (lots of papers but unsorte for now)
- Hájek, Interpretations of Probability, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (section 3.3)
- Skyrms, Coherence (defends dutch books)
- Lewis, Why Conditionalize?
- Talbot, Dutch Book Arguments (an example of a diachronic dutch book)
- van Fraassen, Belief and the Will
- Skyrms, Coherence (chapter from Choice and Chance).
- Ramsey, Truth and Probability (the earliest dutch book argument and representation theorem)
- Kemeny, Fair Bets and Inductive Probabilities (proves the converse dutch book theorem)
- Hájek, Dutch Book Arguments
- Vineberg, The Notion of Consistency for Partial Beliefs
- Armendt, Dutch Books, Additivity, and Utility Theory
- Schick, Dutch Bookies and Money Pumps
- Weatherson, Begging the Question and Bayesianism
- Hájek, Scotching Dutch Books
- Christensen, Clever Bookies and Coherent Beliefs
- Maher, Diachronic Rationality
- Skyrms, A Mistake in Dynamic Coherence Arguments?
- Christensen, Dutch Books Depragmatized: Epistemic Consistency for Partial Believers
- Maher, Depragmatized Dutch Book Arguments (against Christensen)
- Christensen, Preference Based Arguments for Probabilism