Phil 249/349: Evidence and Evolution (Spring 2009, Stanford University)
[Basic overview |
Detailed Reading List]
Instructor: Lecture:
Joel Velasco
Building 80, Room 113
Office: Room 92H, Building 90 Tuesday, 10:00 - 12:40
Office Hours: M 1-2; Th 11-12
Announcements (newest first)
- 4/04/09: I have added a Hacking reading to the extra readings from week 1. This contains the "odd questions" probability quiz at the beginning of his book which includes the strep throught testing problem we looked at in class. The pdf also includes Chapter 7 of the book "Bayes rule" which includes several practice problems including his answers to two of the odd questions (a base rate problem and the strep throat problem)
- 4/04/09: I will be out of town from Wed 4/8 until Sun 4/12. Office hours this Thursday are cancelled
- 4/04/09: I have scheduled my office hours from 1-2 on Mondays since I may occasionally be gone after 2:00